Sunday, January 27, 2008

So it's happening then...

So we've got the venue money, my dress is sorted (thanks baby brother!), the wine and transport sorted (love you mum and dad) and I have a fantastic mother-in-law to be, who is gifting her time to keep my house tidy. This will allow me to do as much overtime as my body and mind can cope with!! It would appear that the wedding that would only happen if hell froze over, is happening!

So I guess it's officially time to panic!!!

Although to be honest the one thing we don't want to happen with this wedding, is any stress! We're the sort of people that if things go wrong we'll just end up in a pile giggling... Not that anyone I work with would recognise that Jane, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and control freak in work!!!!

So I hope you enjoy reading this blog...

Jane & Darren xx

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