Monday, October 27, 2008

We're home...

Hi, Darren here.

Today is the 27th October, and after about 13 hours travelling we finally arrived home. We're both totally exhausted (both from the distance we covered while on the road over there, and from the jetlag), and will probably need the next two days just to get our body clocks back to being on UK time... but we wouldn't change a thing. It was the most amazing thing either of us has ever done.

I'll carry on with the blogs, photos and video blogs just as I was while we were out there. There's lots left to come! So keep coming here... hopefully now that we're back we'll be able to find more time to do them than we could while we were travelling across America. (and we often didn't have internet access over there, which slowed us down as well)

When we've finished the blogs and told you about the whole trip right up until the end... then I'll start work on the proper wedding/honeymoon video. This will include footage from the wedding, and stuff that was shot while we were travelling around the U.S. (not the short video-blogs that I did). There was so much that we saw, so hopefully the final video will give a good cross section of America as we saw it. I can't wait to show you all, and to put up the rest of the video blogs and stories of the places we travelled to.

Anyway... I'm off to bed now, as I can barely keep my eyes open! I'll try to get a few blogs up tomorrow (assuming I wake up in the next 24 hours). See ya!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic honeymoon Jane & Darren, and thank you for sharing all those pics and videos. The atmosphere of all those different places you stayed at and visited really came through on the blog, and hopefully my partner and I would be able to experience some of those locations (one day) - thanks for the inspiration :)

Glad that you made it back safe and look forward to seeing some more of your artwork and customs (I'm still in awe of the arnie sculpt!) - best wishes ..oh and and you look 10 years younger with the shorter hair Darren!